This workshop is designed to educate participants on how to develop a Strategic Plan utilizing a Strategic Planning process that emphasizes Strategic Leadership, Management and Implementation.
Secondly, insurance intermediaries will gain an understanding into the fundamental concepts of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Terrorist Financing (TF) and Proliferation Financing (PF) within a local context, along with exposure to the governing legislation.
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
For Strategic Planning:
- Understand the components of a strategic plan and its importance in an organization
- Gain insight into the strategic planning process and implementation
For Fundamentals of AML/CFT/CFP:
Understand the local context (social and economic impact) of AML/CFT/CFP from relevant illustrations.
- Explain the fundamentals of concept of money laundering, typologies and the stages of ML cycle etc.
- Identify and list similarities and differences between TF and ML.