Category: Events

70th Anniversary Logo 2

Welcome to the TTII’s 70th Anniversary Celebrations!

The TTII celebrated seventy (70) years of excellence in educating  insurance professionals ! This milestone  was marked by the publishing of an industry supplement highlighting our achievements, and culiminated in a gala dinner and award ceremony at the Hilton Hotel for those insurance practicioners who have impacted the lives of many in the insurance industry through their contributions to education or development of the industry otherwise.  Click the link below to see our 70th anniversary supplement:

See also a small clip of the wonderful gala dinner and award ceremony held in honour of insurance industry professionals, here:


Global Money Week

Global Money Week 2021 took place from March 22nd to March 28th 2021. The TTII is a member of the National Financial Education Committee (spearheaded by OFSO and the other associations) and participated in an online webinar entitled “Building Financial Resilience in Our Youth.” The webinar targeted parents, teachers and NFEC stakeholders. One of the featured panellists was Natasha Pettier, Board of Governor member.

Rescheduled classes


TTII participated in St. Patrick’s Secondary Virtual District Career Fair 2021 on May 6th. Approximately, 4th – 6th form students were present across 10 – 16 schools. Our presenter for the session was Natasha Pettier, Board of Governor member. It was the first of its kind for TTII. 

The TTII also presented at the Upper-Level Educational Institute’s Virtual Career Day on January 26th 2022. The number of participants were approximately seventy -eight (78) Form 2 – 3 students. These initiatives dovetails with our interest to provide support for career guidance as it relates to the Insurance sector.




Thursday 16th September 2021

The TTII will hold its annual AGM on September 16th, 2021. The event was scheduled for earlier in the year but was pushed back to the above date. The Annual Report 2020-2021 will become available after the day of the event.

Click here to view in PDF format