70th Anniversary Logo 2

Welcome to the TTII’s 70th Anniversary Celebrations!

The TTII celebrated seventy (70) years of excellence in educating  insurance professionals ! This milestone  was marked by the publishing of an industry supplement highlighting our achievements, and culiminated in a gala dinner and award ceremony at the Hilton Hotel for those insurance practicioners who have impacted the lives of many in the insurance industry through their contributions to education or development of the industry otherwise.  Click the link below to see our 70th anniversary supplement: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oL7lcUoFTomZkDtMm7yEYcAO-WOowUZq/view?usp=sharing

See also a small clip of the wonderful gala dinner and award ceremony held in honour of insurance industry professionals, here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ3DjMLQD2I&feature=share